Featured Artists

Alicia (@artisticadversary)
Camp Needlewood

Our dear friend Alicia is back—this time as an artist and as our Dreaded GM! You might recognize her art style from Season 1’s Ornithophobia episodes. But her biggest flex for this camp adventure is the Needlewood map she made for us all. Check it out below!

Say hi to Alicia here:
@artisticadversary on Instagram
@artisticadversary on Tumblr

Cherrie Sorbet

Cherrie Sorbet is one of the most talented folks we know, and we are absolutely honored to have her create the art for our Season 1 finale!

Animation? Sketching? Streaming? Cosplay? Burlesque? Cherrie does it all! Everything she touches turns to magic-- and she's one of the biggest sweethearts, too. We love you, Cherrie!

Say hi to her here:
@cherriesorbet on Instagram (art)
@cherriesorbet.burlesque on Instagram (burlesque)

Emily Elvoid

The depth of Emily’s talent is almost as terrifying as our Spectrophobia story—and we mean that in the best way possible. In addition to being a scary good artist, Emily is also a scary good storyteller. She’s a master. Emily weaves words into wonders, and we can’t get enough of her stuff.

And in addition to that, Emily is also an exceptional DM! Her campaign is an intricate tale of adventure, mystery, and (sometimes) absolute chaos. She’s delivered monologues that have definitely made Marissa cry. (And more than once.)

Thanks for being amazing, Emily! We love ya.

Say hi to Emily here:

Archive of our Own, for some exceptional stories:

Instagram, for pretty books and D&D writing:

Tumblr, for “gremlin like posts of all the hot garbage that are my interests”:

Emily also cultivates a collage for each of her stories! Here are just a few; give ‘em a click and check out Emliy’s wordsmithing:

“The Deep & Dying Breath of You”


“The Problem with Flying”

“Roll Initiative”

Morgan Mekoleske

Morgan is the artistic genius behind our incredible Thalassophobia art! We still don’t know how she managed to squeeze in all those Easter eggs, but the more we look at it, the more we love it!

Morgan is an exceptionally talented digital artist (obvs), but she’s also a master of cosplay and costuming. Give her some bits of foam and fabric, and she’ll create a masterpiece. And she also recently adopted two of the cutest kittens around. And she’s, like, the kindest person on this whole earth. Seriously. We did a survey and everything.

So, yeah. We’re pretty sure that Morgan is magic.

Favorite breakfast food: Leftovers

Say hi to Morgan here, on “a crusty Tumblr that I rarely use:”
@a-casual-misprint on Tumblr

Alicia (@artisticadversary)

Alicia has been blowing our minds with her art for as long as we can remember, so we were SUPER excited that she was able to create our spectacular art for Ornithophobia!

In addition to digital art, Alicia also creates fun animatics and is one of the best storytellers around. She’s a wildly talented DM, and has made Marissa cry more times than we can count during her Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. Check out more of her work via the links below! If we tried to fill this page with all of our favorite pieces, you’d be scrolling forever.

Favorite breakfast food: Ligonberry crepes

Say hi to Alicia here:
@artisticadversary on Instagram
@artisticadversary on Tumblr

Mannon Dorantes

Even though Mannon is technically our intern, and is technically obligated to do what we ask, she still absolutely crushed the Chrometophobia episode art. Way to go, Mannon. You’re (re)hired.

Aside from digital art, Mannon is a talented film maker, photographer, cute-Etsy-things-maker, and all-around cool kid. Check her out! We promise you won’t be disappointed.

Favorite breakfast food: The classic: eggs and bacon with hash browns

Say hi to Mannon here:
MannonElysse on Vimeo
LittleGoodBoutique on Etsy
@mannonelysse on Instagram

Samantha Kapustik

Sam has been making beautiful pieces of digital art for as long as we’ve known her… and we’re not going to say how long that’s been because we don’t want to feel old. Sam has a graphic design degree, too, which we think is pretty darn impressive.

Unfortunately, Sam’s digital portfolio has been temporarily lost. When she finds it, we’ll have much more of her pieces to share with you. In the meantime, grab your magnifying glasses and old-timey detective hats and keep your eyes peeled for a misplaced USB drive.

Favorite breakfast food: Eggs?

Get in touch with Sam here:
